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Space cold for high quality

In recent years, a “technological breakthrough” has been a buzzword both on TV and the Internet. We don’t believe in quick and easy solutions so for the last three years we have been working on an exciting project to improve the surface quality of the profile that we produce.

This project revolves around the innovative use of liquid nitrogen during the profile extrusion process. While it may sound complex, it allows us to create profiles with an almost mirror-like surface, free from scuffs, roughness, and microcracks! This means the profiles you purchase from us now have a pristine, flawless surface quality.

Furthermore, we have eliminated a quality issue: there are no longer pick-ups, adhering to the profile surface. By resolving this defect, liquid nitrogen technology removes the need to mechanically process the profiles prior to coating.

A significant reduction in the surface roughness of the profile prevents the negative effects of dust deposition during storage in warehouses. Even after extended periods of storage, the dust can be completely removed from the profile surface (using air bubbles), leaving the product’s surface looking as if it had just come out of the extrusion line.

Let’s examine the surface topography under high magnification. The photo shows a greatly magnified view comparing two profile samples: one produced using standard methods versus the other manufactured with our nitrogen cooling technology:

And this is how our products appear to customers under natural lighting conditions:

And: Yes (!), this technology enables us to not only produce a profile of excellent quality for you, but also faster. As the pressing speed increases by 15-20%.

We use a unique software and hardware complex “N5Nitrogen” from the Italian company Atie Uno Informatica

Ein mit flüssigem Stickstoff gefüllter Behälter

It facilitates the optimal use of liquid nitrogen, maintaining a consistent temperature for both the die and the resulting aluminum profile.

The N5Nitrogen system delivers liquid nitrogen into the die at a temperature of -196°C via an integrated subcooler unit.

Temperature control is conducted using special continuous measuring systems along the profile surface, directly at the exit of the extrusion line traverse.

The tests conducted in the production laboratory showed that the mechanical properties of the profile remained constant over the entire length of the manufactured profile, with a tolerance of ±1%.

Currently, 75% of our aluminum profiles are produced using this system. The remaining 25% are made from alloys that don’t require the use of this technology, as high quality can be achieved through standard production methods and maximum speed.

Atmospheric air consists of 78% nitrogen.

Therefore, in addition to maximizing the quality of the aluminum profiles produced, the technology is also 100% environmentally friendly and has no negative impact on the environment.

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